Monday, August 27, 2012

"New" toys

So, I am in the middle of unpacking some boxes today, when I find my old barbie box - complete with Ken and Barbie.  My mom hung on to them all these years so that I could pass them on to my daughter some day.  

Now is "some day."

Mackenzie had a blast playing with them this afternoon, trying out the different outfits and playing with the fold down table and chairs in the case.  Yeah, it rocks.

Tonight, I went in to find Barbie topless and Ken dressed down to his skivvies, sitting at the table.  I asked Kenzie what she was playing with, then had to run to get Drew so that he could see.  It went something like this:

Me:  Kenzie, what are you playing with?
Kenzie: My play with the boobies.
Me: **silent giggles**  Drew, come here!  Kenzie, show Daddy what you got today!
Kenzie: My got some boobies!

Toddlers - gotta love 'em!  I'm dying over here with her language and blooming personality!

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