Thursday, August 16, 2012


So, as I sit here in my office (one of the two days I come to work for my dad), I think about my life.  I feel like I have no control and I don't know what I'm doing.  I can't get a hold of my thoughts as they scramble around the inside of my head.  

I feel... I don't even know.

Then, as I was looking at my facebook feed, I saw a post by Scott & Kelli from K-Love.  It said:

Talking with Lysa TerKeurst about what makes us come Unglued and how to handle it.  Tell us what keeps you from coming unglued.

That's it!  That's what I feel: Unglued.

Many days, I start off great - then something happens & BAM.  Unglued.  I lose my temper with Drew, with Mackenzie, with anyone who happens to cross my path.

Then, the guilt comes.  I feel like such a horrible wife, a horrible mom, a horrible person.  I can't hardly stand to look at myself.  I beat myself up because I feel I deserve it.

But that's not the way God wants us to live.  That's not the way God wants me to live.

SO, I clicked on Lysa's name and up came her facebook page.  At the top, I saw a picture that had one word underneath - Unglued.  I clicked that and it brought me to a new facebook page.  There's a challenge - the Unglued Challenge.  Sounds interesting... I thought.  

So, I signed up.  It's a 5-day challenge - brought by one email a day.  It has excerpts from her book, Unglued, and real-life experiences that she has been through, all to come together to bring hope for a change.  We stuff, we explode, or react somewhere in between.  For me, I stuff & explode.  Stuff first, then when it becomes too much, I emotionally vomit over EVERYTHING.  Lysa's 5-day challenge will help - because, as she says, "God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it!"

So how about it?  Will you join me in this 5-day challenge?  If so, click here & click "the unglued challenge" at the top to find out more & sign up.  Then, each day after receiving the daily email, I'll blog my thoughts on it.  I encourage you to comment with your thoughts and insights as well!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Meg... I just NOW saw this. I will be calling you in the morning, 'cuz it's 11:40 PM right now and I don't figure you'd want me calling you now. I love you.... we will chat. ~Mom


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