Monday, August 13, 2012

A little this, a little that

So, I am really bad at uploading pictures off my camera.  Like, really.  So, hang on to yer hats folks, you'll get some pictures of Kenzie's birthday party soon!  (Shut up, I know you're dying to see them!)

So, in the meantime, here are some random thoughts - because I like random and am probably one of the most random gals you'll meet.  ;-)

My neck hurts - I went to the chiropractor today, but it still hurts.

My neighbors are big, ol' douchebags.  Pardon the language.  Really, they are.  The day my grandpa died a few weeks ago, after we had JUST moved in, Kenzie was jumping in the kitchen and I was just tuning it out like I usually do because, you know, she always jumps.  And then BANG BANG BANG, "Gosh Dangit (I changed the language, they weren't so nice), stop it!!!!!!!"  Really?  So, then tonight, Mackenzie was running up and down hall and into the kitchen.  And whatdya know, they do it again.  Folks!  I pay just as much as you do and it's NOT QUIET TIME!  So, don't get yer panties in a wad!!  

We're probably moving (again) next weekend.  Yeah... not looking forward to it.

Did I mention my neck hurts?

I borrowed the first Harry Potter book from Amazon for my kindle and am halfway thru reading it.  I can't tell you how many times I've already read them.  I am kind of having a love affair with those books - great way to escape!  ;-)

My daughter is 3.  Where did time go??

Had some Peachwave with some lovely friends from my former church this afternoon.  It was fabulous.  Except, Kenzie didn't eat any of hers.  Weird kid - not liking sweets!  Is she mine?

So, there you have it.  A little view into my random mind... it's always spinning.  Now time to veg on the couch like a tater and read me some HP!


1 comment:

  1. I love your random thoughts. Now I know where I get it! :) Love you!


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