Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Christian & Easton!

Today, my first nephew turns 6.  SIX!  I can hardly believe it.  Seems like just yesterday I was holding a Burrito Christian.  Now, he's growing up right before our eyes, he's in kindergarten and FULL of LIFE!  

And my youngest nephew turns 1!  {I don't know Easton very well... my sister-in-law and her little family live in a different state.  Someday, I'd love for them to be close so I can get to know her kiddos like I know my sister's.}

Happy 6th Birthday, Christian!  I hope you have a fantastic day!!  May you always know the love of God and the love of those surrounding you.  May you be protected and not tainted by the evils of this world we live in.  May you always love to the fullest and live life with no fear!  I love you SO much!  


P. S.  I hate that I don't have pictures of Easton.  He's absolutely adorable and growing SO fast!  Love you, sweet boy!


  1. Wow!!! I LOVE this post!!! You are the coolest Auntie.... I adore you. <3

    1. **blushing** and you should follow my blog, too. :-P

  2. Thanks aunt meg! We wish we lived closer too all the cousins would have such fun playing together! Sending love your way :)

    1. Right back atcha! Feel free to follow my blog.. it's pretty fun sometimes. :-)


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